Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Cape Cod, MA

On the same Friday we left Maine and hiked at Camden Hills, we went all the way down the coast and on to Cape Cod. The Cape is a very old-style vacation spot - small roads, small shops, and very large estates with a lot of old money. We stayed in a moderate-sized house about a 10 minute walk from the beach. Our 3 day stay included a lot of relaxing; we went on two short beach trips to see the sand flats and stones that cover the beaches and make it unlike any beach I had seen.

We did spend one of the days traveling to Provincetown at the very tip of the Cape. I did not learn this until I showed up there (silly me), but it's more or less a gay mecca for the East Coast (they were even celebrating the annual "Bear Week"... yes, I had to look that one up.) This, along with the very historical docks and shops, give it a charm, character, and culture that I really could not have pictured beforehand.

Downtown Provincetown
An old wharf

I enjoyed walking around and having lunch there - it was a great place to see and experience. My favorite part was the intense concentration of design shops and artists there; they are lined up downtown with different interior pieces, innovative furniture, scrap metal art, and more.

A design shop's Provincetown logo

It was also good to see some familiar faces - Jenna's mom and brother were also staying in Cape Cod. We even picked up an unexpected traveler; her brother Brett is joining us on the road for 2 weeks!

I know I'm behind, but I'm catching up on writing quickly - soon I'll have posts about the journey to and time in Music City!

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