Wednesday, September 11, 2013

San Francisco, CA

The journey through Napa Valley brought us into the Bay area for the weekend. Early on Saturday, we got up and headed to the Golden Gate Rec area north of the Golden Gate bridge. Here, we walked around for a while in the early morning, listening to the Pacific Ocean and watching the seals lounge on the shore.

Looking to Point Bonita - the mouth of the bay

We crossed the famous bridge into San Francisco.

We visited many of the popular places along the water in the city - including Fisherman's Wharf, the original Ghirardelli, and several markets and piers. It was a beautiful, sunny Saturday with no fog - the beaches were packed, and droves of bicyclists and runners were out everywhere. In addition, there were dozens of sailboats out on the bay - possibly gathering for a race. It was a very "San-Fran" kind of day there.

Looking up one of the ridiculously sloped streets

We left and went to the Mission District to meet one of Jenna's friends who lives in the area for lunch. The area had an odd feel; it is a traditionally poorer-looking Hispanic neighborhood that is transitioning into a trendy, young/hipster place. We walked through Clarion Alley, which is permanently covered in ever-changing graffiti.

A friend I met through work the past two summers at NASA had agreed to let us stay the weekend at his house - an old, very "Californian" home a few blocks from Stanford that was quite a neat place, surrounded by lemon-lime trees, olive trees, and two gigantic palm trees. It was a treat to stay there; Silicon Valley is home to ubiquitous great food, coffee shops, and nice neighborhoods (I saw no less than 6 Teslas just walking around.)

We took some downtime on Sunday to catch up on writing and explore the area for a while. We walked through Stanford, a pretty, sandy-brick campus that is also very much California-style. I liked seeing it since it was a break from the norm: 95% of college campuses seem to use more or less the same brick architecture.

Palm Drive - the entrance to Stanford

The central quad

With laundry, grocery shopping, and errands done, we were ready to leave early Monday morning on the way to Yosemite National Park!

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